Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bigrock Domain for Blogger

How Change Bigrock Domain for Blogger :

  1. First Register your Domain from Bigrock 
  2. Then you need to login your BigRock account 
  3. Choose the domain you want to setup from  " List all Orders " 


Now Select "DNS Management" tab and then click on "Manage DNS".

Then It shows Menu Like This 

Now click on "CNAME Records" and "Add CNAME Record".

Fill the Given details in their  fields  and click add record..

Name: www Value: TTL: No Need to change this value. 

After Completing this CNAME, " Click on "Add Record". 

Then Click in to " A Record "

IPv4 Address :

Like thes you have to fill All four (4) IPv4 Address..

then it shows like this

Once you have Finished  these steps , You have to add your Bigrock Domain to BlogSpot Blog. 

  1. Log in to your Blogger Blog. 
  2. Go to settings > Basic and click on “+ Add a custom domain” and then select “Switch to advanced settings” and enter your blogs custom Domain [ URL]  Which you purchased from BigRock. 
  3. Tick the option to redirect Domain 

Now Your Blogger Domain name has been changed .....visitors can use to visit your site through your new Url

Thank you Guyz.....................


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